lobeyoudaoicibaDictYouDict[lobe 词源字典]
lobe: [16] Greek lobós denoted ‘something round’, such as the circular part of the ear or the liver, or a round seed pod. It came from a prehistoric *logwós, a close relative of which produced Latin legūmen ‘seed pod’ (source of English legume [17]). Lobós was borrowed into late Latin as lobus, and from there made its way into English.
=> legume[lobe etymology, lobe origin, 英语词源]
lobe (n.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
early 15c., "a lobe of the liver or lungs," from Middle French lobe and directly from Medieval Latin lobus, from Late Latin lobus "hull, husk, pod," from Greek lobos "lobe of the ear, vegetable pod," perhaps related to Greek leberis "husk of fruits," from PIE *logwos. Extended 1670s to divisions of the brain.