chopping (adj.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict[chopping 词源字典]
"large and thriving," 1560s, past participle adjective from chop (v.). Compare strapping, whopping in similar sense.
chopping. An epithet frequently applied to infants, by way of ludicrous commendation: imagined by Skinner to signify lusty, from cas Sax. by others to mean a child that would bring money at a market. Perhaps a greedy, hungry child, likely to live. [Johnson]
[chopping etymology, chopping origin, 英语词源]
shopping (n.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
1764, "act or practice of visiting shops," verbal noun from shop (v.). Meaning "goods that have been purchased" is from 1934. Shopping bag attested from 1886; shopping list from 1913.
"The act or practice of changing from one job to another; especially the practice of changing job repeatedly", 1940s; earliest use found in The Modesto Bee. From job + hopping.