hatyoudaoicibaDictYouDict[hat 词源字典]
hat: [OE] Hat and hood are ultimately the same word, and denote literally ‘head-covering’. Both go back to Indo-European *kadh- ‘cover, protect’, which in the case of hat produced a Germanic derivative *khadnús, later *khattus. This was the source of English hat, and also of Swedish hatt and Danish hat (German hutt and Dutch hoed ‘hat’ are more closely related to English hood).
=> hood[hat etymology, hat origin, 英语词源]
hat (n.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
Old English hæt "hat, head covering" (variously glossing Latin pileus, galerus, mitra, tiara), from Proto-Germanic *hattuz "hood, cowl" (cognates: Frisian hat, Old Norse hattr, höttr "a hood or cowl"), from PIE root *kadh- "cover, protect" (cognates: Lithuanian kudas "tuft or crest of a bird," Latin cassis "helmet"). To throw one's hat in the ring was originally (1847) to take up a challenge in prize-fighting. To eat one's hat (1770), expressing what one will do if something he considers a sure thing turns out not to be, is said to have been originally eat Old Rowley's [Charles II's] hat.