gustyoudaoicibaDictYouDict[gust 词源字典]
gust: [16] The underlying meaning of gust is ‘sudden rush or gush’, and related words refer to water or steam rather than wind. It was borrowed from Old Norse gustr ‘gust’, and the closely connected geysa ‘gush’ produced English geyser [18].
=> geyser[gust etymology, gust origin, 英语词源]
gust (n.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
1580s, "sudden squall of wind," possibly a dialectal survival from Old Norse gustr "a cold blast of wind" (related to gusa "to gush, spurt") or Old High German gussa "flood," both from Proto-Germanic *gustiz, from PIE *gheus-, from root *gheu- "to pour" (see found (v.2)). Probably originally in English as a nautical word.
gust (v.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
1813, from gust (n.). Related: Gusted; gusting.