grumbleyoudaoicibaDictYouDict[grumble 词源字典]
grumble: see grim
[grumble etymology, grumble origin, 英语词源]
grumble (v.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
1580s, "complain in a low voice;" 1590s, "make a low, rumbling sound," from Middle French grommeler "mutter between the teeth" or directly from Middle Dutch grommelen "murmur, mutter, grunt," from grommen "to rumble, growl." Imitative, or perhaps akin to grim (adj.). With excrescent -b- as in mumble. Related: Grumbled; grumbling.
grumble (n.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
1620s, from grumble (v.).