gridyoudaoicibaDictYouDict[grid 词源字典]
grid: [19] Grid is simply an abbreviated version of gridiron [13]. This in turn seems to have been an alteration (through association with iron) of griddle [13], which is traceable back via Old French gridil to a hypothetical Vulgar Latin *crāticulum, a diminutive form of Latin crātis ‘wickerwork, hurdle’ (from which English gets grate). A parallel feminine Vulgar Latin derivative, crāticula, produced English grill [17] and grille [17].
=> grate, griddle, grill[grid etymology, grid origin, 英语词源]
grid (n.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
1839, shortening of gridiron or griddle. City planning sense is from 1954 (hence gridlock). Meaning "network of transmission lines" first recorded 1926.