gougeyoudaoicibaDictYouDict[gouge 词源字典]
gouge: [15] Gouge may be of Celtic origin – a resemblance to forms such as Welsh gylf ‘beak’ and Cornish gilb ‘borer’ has been noted. But its earliest positively identifiable ancestor is late Latin gubia, whose Old French descendant gouge was borrowed by English.
[gouge etymology, gouge origin, 英语词源]
gouge (n.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
mid-14c., "chisel with a concave blade," from Old French gouge "a gouge" (14c.), from Late Latin gubia, alteration of gulbia "hollow beveled chisel," probably from Gaulish (compare Old Irish gulban "prick, prickle," Welsh gylfin "beak"). Meaning "an imposition, a cheat" is from 1845, American English colloquial.
gouge (v.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
1560s, "to cut with a gouge," from gouge (n.). Meaning "to force out with a gouge" (especially of the eyes, in fighting) attested by 1800. Meaning "to swindle" is American English colloquial from 1826 (implied in plural noun gougers). Related: Gouged; gouging.