gleamyoudaoicibaDictYouDict[gleam 词源字典]
gleam: [OE] Gleam is one of a very wide range of English words beginning with gl that denote ‘shining’ (others include glare, glint, glister, glitter, and glow). Originally it was a noun, which came from Germanic *glaim-, *glim- (source also of glimmer [15]); the verb is a 13thcentury development.
=> glimmer, glimpse[gleam etymology, gleam origin, 英语词源]
gleam (n.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
Old English glæm "a brilliant light; brightness; splendor, radiance, beauty," from Proto-Germanic *glaimiz (cognates: Old Saxon glimo "brightness;" Middle High German glim "spark," gleime "glow-worm;" German glimmen "to glimmer, glow;" Old Norse glja "to shine, glitter, glisten"), from root *glim-, from PIE *ghel- (2) "to shine," with derivatives referring to bright materials and gold (see glass (n.), and compare glad (adj.)).
gleam (v.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
early 13c., from gleam (n). Related: Gleamed; gleaming.