fraternalyoudaoicibaDictYouDict[fraternal 词源字典]
fraternal: [15] Etymologically as well as semantically, fraternal is ‘brotherly’. It comes from frāternālis, a medieval Latin derivative of Latin frāter ‘brother’. This goes back to the same prehistoric Indo-European source, *bhrāter, as produced English brother. The Latin accusative from, frātrem, produced French frère ‘brother’, from which English gets friar [13].
=> brother, friar, pal[fraternal etymology, fraternal origin, 英语词源]
fraternal (adj.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
early 15c., from Old French fraternel "brotherly, fraternal," and directly from Medieval Latin fraternalis, from Latin fraternus "friendly, closely allied," literally "brotherly" (see fraternity). The noun meaning "fraternal twin" is recorded by 1911.