fordyoudaoicibaDictYouDict[ford 词源字典]
ford: [OE] Ford is an ancient word, whose origins can be traced back as far as prehistoric Indo- European *prtús, a derivative of *por- ‘going, passage’, which also produced English fare and ferry. Descendants of *prtús include Latin portus ‘harbour’ (source of English port), Welsh rhyd ‘ford’, West Germanic *furduz (whence German furt ‘ford’ and English ford) and North Germanic *ferthuz (source of English fiord or fjord [17] and firth [15]).
=> fare, ferry, fiord, firth, fjord, ford, port[ford etymology, ford origin, 英语词源]
ford (v.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
"to cross a body of water by walking on the bottom," 1610s, from ford (n.). Related: Forded; fording.
ford (n.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
Old English ford "shallow place where water can be crossed," from Proto-Germanic *furduz (cognates: Old Frisian forda, Old High German furt, German Furt "ford"), from PIE *prtu- "a going, a passage" (cognates: Latin portus "harbor," originally "entrance, passage;" Old Welsh rit, Welsh rhyd "ford;" Old English faran "to go;" see port (n.1)). The line of automobiles (company founded 1903) is named for U.S. manufacturer Henry Ford (1863-1947).