favelayoudaoicibaDictYouDict[favela 词源字典]
"A Brazilian shack or shanty town; a slum", Portuguese. More shanty from early 19th century:The sea shanty, the song to which sailors hauled ropes, probably comes from French chantez!, an order to ‘sing!’ It is recorded from the mid 19th century. A slightly earlier shanty appeared in North America for a small, crudely built shack and may come from Canadian French chantier ‘lumberjack's cabin, logging camp’, a specialized used of the word which usually means ‘building site’ in France. This shanty gave the world the shanty town, such as the favela in Rio de Janeiro and other Brazilian cities. This word, from the Portuguese equivalent of shanty is first recorded in 1961.[favela etymology, favela origin, 英语词源]