farrowyoudaoicibaDictYouDict[farrow 词源字典]
farrow: [OE] Farrow, nowadays used mainly as a verb for ‘give birth to a litter of pigs’, originally meant ‘young pig’. Its ultimate source was Indo- European *porkos (from which English also gets pork). The Germanic descendant of this was *farkhaz, which produced German ferkel ‘young pig’ and Dutch varken ‘pig’ (as in aardvark, literally ‘earth-pig’, originally from Afrikaans) as well as farrow.
=> aardvark, pork[farrow etymology, farrow origin, 英语词源]
farrow (n.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
Old English fearh "young pig," from Proto-Germanic *farkhaz "young pig" (cognates: Middle Low German ferken, Dutch varken, both diminutives; Old High German farh, German Ferkel "young pig, suckling pig"), from PIE *porko- (see pork (n.)). Sense of "a litter of pigs" first recorded 1570s, probably via the verb ("to bring forth piglets," of a sow), which is attested from early 13c.