evictyoudaoicibaDictYouDict[evict 词源字典]
evict: [15] Ultimately, evict and evince [17] are the same word, although they have diverged considerably over the centuries. Both come from Latin ēvincere, a compound verb formed from the prefix ex- ‘out’ and vincere (source of English victory). This originally meant ‘defeat, conquer’, but a whole range of secondary legal senses developed: ‘recover something by defeating an opponent in a legal action’; ‘eject by judicial process’; and ‘prove by legal argument’.

Both evict (acquired from the Latin past participle ēvictus) and evince have in the past been used for ‘conquer’ and ‘prove’, and it was not until the 18th century that they settled into their present meanings.

=> evince, victory[evict etymology, evict origin, 英语词源]
evict (v.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
mid-15c., "recover (property) by judicial means," from Latin evictus, past participle of evincere "overcome and expel, conquer, subdue, vanquish; prevail over; supplant," from assimilated form of ex- "out," or perhaps here merely intensive (see ex-) + vincere "conquer" (see victor). Sense of "expel by legal process" first recorded in English 1530s, from a post-classical sense of the Latin word. Related: Evicted; evicting. Compare evince.