escortyoudaoicibaDictYouDict[escort 词源字典]
escort: [16] The notion underlying escort is of ‘guidance’, of ‘showing the right path’. The word comes via French from Italian scorta ‘guide’, a noun use of the past participle of scorgere ‘show, guide’. This in turn came from Vulgar Latin *excorrigere, a compound verb formed from the prefix ex- ‘out’ and Latin corrigere ‘put right’ (source of English correct).
=> correct[escort etymology, escort origin, 英语词源]
escort (n.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
1570s, in military sense, from Middle French escorte (16c.), from Italian scorta, literally "a guiding," from scorgere "to guide," from Vulgar Latin *excorrigere, from ex- "out" (see ex-) + Latin corrigere "set right" (see correct (v.)). The sense of "person accompanying another to a social occasion" is 1936.
escort (v.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
1708, originally military, from escort (n.), or from French escorter; social sense is from 1890. Related: Escorted; escorting.