embargoyoudaoicibaDictYouDict[embargo 词源字典]
embargo: [16] Something that has been embargoed has been literally ‘placed behind bars’ (compare EMBARRASS). The word comes from Vulgar Latin *imbarricāre, which was formed from the Latin prefix in- ‘in’ and Vulgar Latin *barra (source of English bar). This passed into Spanish as embargar ‘impede, restrain’, and its derived noun embargo was borrowed into English.
=> bar, barrier[embargo etymology, embargo origin, 英语词源]
embargo (n.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
"order forbidding ships from certain other nations from entering or leaving a nation's ports," 1590s, from Spanish embargo "seizure, arrest; embargo," noun of action from embargar "restrain, impede, arrest, embargo," from Vulgar Latin *imbarricare, from assimilated form of in- "into, upon" (see in- (2)) + *barra (see bar (n.1)). As a verb, from 1640s. Related: Embargoed.