discount (n.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict[discount 词源字典]
1620s, "abatement," alteration of 16c. French descompte, from Medieval Latin discomputus (source of Italian disconto), from discomputare (see discount (v.)). Meaning "deduction for early payment" is from 1680s; meaning "reduction in the price of goods" attested by 1837.[discount etymology, discount origin, 英语词源]
discount (v.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
1620s, "reckon as an abatement or deduction," from Old French desconter (13c., Modern French décompter), from Medieval Latin discomputare, from dis- (see dis-) + computare "to count" (see count (v.)). Hence, "to abate, deduct" (1650s), and figurative sense "to leave out of account, disregard" (1702). Related: Discounted; discounting.