descendyoudaoicibaDictYouDict[descend 词源字典]
descend: [13] Etymologically, descend means ‘climb down’. Like its opposite, ascend [14], it comes ultimately from Latin scandere ‘climb’, which also produced English scan and scansion and is related to echelon, escalate, scale ‘set of graduated marks’, scandal, and slander. The Latin verb was a product of the Indo-European base *skand- ‘jump’.
=> ascend, echelon, escalate, scale, scan, scandal, slander[descend etymology, descend origin, 英语词源]
descend (v.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
c. 1300, from Old French descendre (10c.) "descend, dismount; fall into; originate in," from Latin descendere "come down, descend, sink," from de- "down" (see de-) + scandere "to climb," from PIE root *skand- "jump" (see scan (v.)). Sense of "originate" is late 14c. in English. Related: Descended; descending.