creatureyoudaoicibaDictYouDict[creature 词源字典]
creature: [13] Creature and creator, both 13thcentury borrowings from Old French, predate the introduction of the verb create into English by about a hundred years. This was a verbal use of an earlier adjective create, borrowed directly from Latin creātus, the past participle of creāre ‘produce’ (which in turn may have been a causative derivative of the verb crēscere ‘grow’, source of English crescent). Another descendant of Latin creāre was Portuguese criar ‘breed, nurse’, the probable ancestor of English creole [17].
=> create, creole, crescent, croissant, increase[creature etymology, creature origin, 英语词源]
creature (n.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
late 13c., "anything created," also "living being," from Old French creature (Modern French créature), from Late Latin creatura "thing created," from creatus, past participle of Latin creare "create" (see create). Meaning "anything that ministers to man's comforts" (1610s), after I Tim. iv:4, led to jocular use for "whiskey" (1630s).