corralyoudaoicibaDictYouDict[corral 词源字典]
corral: [16] English acquired corral from Spanish corral, but its previous history is disputed. Some etymologists consider that it is of southern African origin, from the language of the Hottentot people, but others derive it from Vulgar Latin *currale ‘enclosure for vehicles’, which would have been based on Latin currus ‘two-wheeled wagon’ (source of English car and carry). Kraal [18] originated as an Afrikaans adaptation of Portuguese curral, corresponding to Spanish corral.
=> kraal[corral etymology, corral origin, 英语词源]
corral (n.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
1580s, from Spanish corral, from corro "ring," Portuguese curral, of uncertain origin. Perhaps ultimately African, or from Vulgar Latin *currale "enclosure for vehicles," from Latin currus "two-wheeled vehicle," from currere "to run."
corral (v.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
1847, from corral (n.); meaning "to lay hold of, collar," is U.S. slang from 1860. Related: Corraled.