conjugalyoudaoicibaDictYouDict[conjugal 词源字典]
conjugal: [16] The notion underlying conjugal is of ‘joining together’. It comes from Latin conjugālis, an adjective derived from conjux ‘spouse’. This is turn was derived from conjugāre ‘join together (in marriage)’, a compound verb formed from the prefix com- ‘together’ and jugāre ‘yoke’ (a derivative of jugum ‘yoke’, which is related to English yoke and yoga). (The grammatical connotations of English conjugate [16] arise from the notion of a ‘connected’ set of verb forms.) The base of jugum, *jug-, also produced jungere ‘join’, whose derivative conjungere ‘join together’ is responsible for the parallel set of English words conjoin [14], conjunct [15], and conjunction [14].
=> conjugate, conjunction, join, yoga, yoke[conjugal etymology, conjugal origin, 英语词源]
conjugal (adj.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
1540s, from Middle French conjugal (13c.), from Latin coniugalis "relating to marriage," from coniunx (genitive coniugis) "spouse," related to coniugare "to join together," from com- "together" (see com-) + iugare "to join," from iugum "yoke" (see jugular).