concordyoudaoicibaDictYouDict[concord 词源字典]
concord: [13] Etymologically, concord signifies that two people’s hearts are together, as one. The word comes, via Old French concorde, from Latin concordia, a derivative of the adjective concors. This meant literally ‘hearts together’, and thus ‘of one mind, in harmony’. It was formed from the prefix com- ‘together’ and the noun cors ‘heart’ (source of English cordial and French coeur). Concordat [17] comes from the past participle of the Latin verb concordāre ‘agree’. Discord [13], the antonym of concord, has a parallel origin, coming ultimately from Latin discors ‘disagreeing’.
=> concordat, cordial, discord[concord etymology, concord origin, 英语词源]
concord (n.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
early 14c., from Old French concorde (12c.) "concord, harmony, agreement, treaty," from Latin concordia "agreement, union," from concors (genitive concordis) "of the same mind," literally "hearts together," from com- "together" (see com-) + cor "heart," from PIE root *kerd- "heart" (see heart).