bungalowyoudaoicibaDictYouDict[bungalow 词源字典]
bungalow: [17] Etymologically, bungalow means simply ‘Bengali’. Banglā is the Hind word for ‘of Bengal’ (as in Bangladesh), and English borrowed it (probably in the Gujarati version bangalo) in the sense ‘house in the Bengal style’. Originally this signified any simple, lightly-built, usually temporary structure, which by definition had only one storey, but it is the one-storeyedness that has come to be the identifying characteristic.
[bungalow etymology, bungalow origin, 英语词源]
bungalow (n.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
1670s, from Gujarati bangalo, from Hindi bangla "low, thatched house," literally "Bengalese," used elliptically for "house in the Bengal style" (see Bengal). Related: Bungaloid.