broadcastyoudaoicibaDictYouDict[broadcast 词源字典]
broadcast: [18] Broadcast was originally an adjective and adverb, and meant literally ‘scattered widely’, particularly in the context of sowing seeds. A metaphorical sense developed in the late 18th and 19th centuries (William Stubbs, in his Constitutional History of England 1875 writes of ‘broadcast accusations’), and the word was ready in the early 1920s for application to the transmission of radio signals (the first actual record of such a use is as a verb, in the April 1921 issue of Discovery: ‘The [radio] station at Poldhu is used partly for broadcasting Press and other messages to ships’).
[broadcast etymology, broadcast origin, 英语词源]
1767, adjective, in reference to the spreading of seed, from broad (adj.) + past participle of cast (v.). Figurative use is recorded from 1785. Modern media use began with radio (1922, adjective and noun). As a verb, recorded from 1813 in an agricultural sense, 1829 in a figurative sense, 1921 in reference to radio.