appreciateyoudaoicibaDictYouDict[appreciate 词源字典]
appreciate: [17] Like appraise, appreciate originally comes from the notion of setting a price on something. It comes from late Latin appretiāre, a compound verb formed from ad- ‘to’ and pretium ‘price’. The neutral sense of ‘estimating worth’ was already accompanied by the more positive ‘esteem highly’ when the word began to be used in English, and by the late 18th century the meaning ‘rise in value’ (apparently an American development) was well in place.
=> appraise, price[appreciate etymology, appreciate origin, 英语词源]
appreciate (v.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
1650s, "to esteem or value highly," from Late Latin appretiatus, past participle of appretiare "to set a price to" (see appraise). Meaning "to rise in value" (intransitive) first recorded 1789. Related: Appreciated; appreciating.