antleryoudaoicibaDictYouDict[antler 词源字典]
antler: [14] English acquired antler via Anglo- Norman auntelere from Old French antoillier (modern French has andouiller). Its previous history is not altogether clear; it has been speculated that it comes originally from Latin *anteoculāris, which would have meant literally ‘positioned before (ante) the eye (oculus)’, but this derivation is rather dubious.
[antler etymology, antler origin, 英语词源]
antler (n.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
late 14c., from Anglo-French auntiler, Old French antoillier (14c., Modern French andouiller) "antler," perhaps from Gallo-Roman cornu *antoculare "horn in front of the eyes," from Latin ante "before" (see ante) + ocularis "of the eyes" (see ocular). This etymology is doubted by some because no similar word exists in any other Romance language, but compare German Augensprossen "antlers," literally "eye-sprouts," for a similar formation.