anti-social (adj.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict[anti-social 词源字典]
also antisocial, 1797, from anti- + social (adj.). First-attested use is in sense of "unsociable;" meaning "hostile to social order or norms" is from 1802.[anti-social etymology, anti-social origin, 英语词源]
asocial (adj.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
1883, "antagonistic to society or social order," from a- "not" + social (adj.); also compare antisocial.
chav (n.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
"antisocial youth," British slang, by 2004, apparently from earlier charver "loutish young person wearing designer-style sportswear," Northern British slang (1997) of uncertain origin. Earlier it was a verb in homosexual slang for "have sex." Perhaps ultimately from Romany (Gypsy).
enlightenment (n.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
1660s, "action of enlightening," from enlighten + -ment. Used only in figurative sense, of spiritual enlightenment, etc. Attested from 1865 as a translation of German Aufklärung, a name for the spirit of independent thought and rationalistic system of 18c. Continental philosophers.
For the philosophes, man was not a sinner, at least not by nature; human nature -- and this argument was subversive, in fact revolutionary, in their day -- is by origin good, or at least neutral. Despite the undeniable power of man's antisocial passions, therefore, the individual may hope for improvement through his own efforts -- through education, participation in politics, activity in behalf of reform, but not through prayer. [Peter Gay, "The Enlightenment"]