analysisyoudaoicibaDictYouDict[analysis 词源字典]
analysis: [16] The underlying etymological notion contained in analysis is of ‘undoing’ or ‘loosening’, so that the component parts are separated and revealed. The word comes ultimately from Greek análusis, a derivative of the compound verb analúein ‘undo’, which was formed from the prefix ana- ‘up, back’ and the verb lúein ‘loosen, free’ (related to English less, loose, lose, and loss).

It entered English via medieval Latin, and in the 17th century was anglicized to analyse: ‘The Analyse I gave of the contents of this Verse’, Daniel Rogers, Naaman the Syrian 1642. This did not last long, but it may have provided the impetus for the introduction of the verb analyse, which first appeared around 1600; its later development was supported by French analyser.

=> dialysis, less, loose, lose, loss[analysis etymology, analysis origin, 英语词源]
analyst (n.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
1650s, "mathematician skilled in algebraic geometry," from French analyste "a person who analyzes," from analyser (see analysis). As a short form of psychoanalyst, attested from 1914. Greek analyter meant "a deliverer."
analyze (v.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
c. 1600, "to dissect," from French analyser, from analyse (see analysis). Literature sense is attested from 1610s; meaning in chemistry dates from 1660s. General sense of "to examine closely" dates from 1809; psychological sense is from 1909. Related: Analyzed; analyzing.