alphitomancyyoudaoicibaDictYouDict[alphitomancy 词源字典]
"Divination by means of meal, flour, cakes, or bread, especially when made from barley", Mid 17th cent.; earliest use found in John Gaule (1603/4–1687), Church of England clergyman and author. From French †alphitomantie from post-classical Latin alphitomantia from Hellenistic Greek ἀλϕιτόμαντις diviner by barley-meal (from ancient Greek ἄλϕιτον barley-meal (usually in plural, ἄλϕιτα; of uncertain origin) + μάντις prophet, diviner: see mantic) + post-classical Latin -ia; compare -mancy.[alphitomancy etymology, alphitomancy origin, 英语词源]