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词根:vulg = people“表示“人群”

vulgar a. 大众的,粗俗的

vulgarity n. 粗俗,粗鄙(vulgar粗俗的+ity)

divulge v. 宣布,泄露(di分开+vulge→在人群中传开→泄露)

vulgus n. 平民百姓(vulg+us表名词→群众)


【来源及含义】Latin: common people, multitude, common

【相关描述】This may be one of the most contradictory words around because the term "common people" has a considerably different application in these modern times than it did in Roman times and down through the centuries of upper-class and royal societies.

For a long time, "common people" were crude, coarse, uneducated, etc.; while those who were in the "upper classes" were polite, educated (sometimes), and superior to the "riff-raff or disreputable, common, or undesirable people".

【同源单词】ad captandum vulgus, common, disclose, divulge, divulged, divulgement