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【来源及含义】Latin: a suffix; result of, means of, act of; place of action

【相关描述】The suffix -meant is a final word element derived through Middle English and French from the Latin suffix -ment(um), originally used to form agent and action nouns from verbs, now used to form nouns and denominative verbs in several related senses:

The verb combinations show no change in basic form: cement, compliment, lament.

Principal parts: -menting, -mented, -mented.

Related forms: -mentum (singular); -menta, -menti, -ments (plurals).

【同源单词】abolishment, abridgment, accompaniment, accomplishment, accouterment, achievement

词根词缀:ten-, tent-, tin-, -tain, -tainment, -tenance, -tinence

【来源及含义】Latin: hold, grasp, have

【同源单词】abstain, abstain, abstainer, abstaining, abstemious, abstention