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后缀:-ish ①[形容词后缀]


childish 如小孩的

girlish 如小女的

womanish 女子气的

devilish 魔鬼似的

boyish 如男孩的

moonish 似月亮的

hellish 地狱似的

bookish 书生气的

foolish 愚蠢的,笨的

piggish 猪一样的

wolfish 狼似的

monkish 似僧的

slavish 奴隶般的

youngish 还年轻的


coldish 略寒的,稍冷的

warmish 稍暖的

oldish 略老的,稍旧的

tallish 略高的

sweetish 略甜的

wettish 略湿的

greenish 略带绿色的

yellowish 微黄的

longish 略长的,稍长的

fattish 稍胖的

slowish 稍慢的


English 英国的,英语

Swedish 瑞典的,瑞典语

Spanish 西班牙的,西班牙语

Polish 波兰的,波兰语

Irish 爱尔兰的,爱尔兰语

Finnish 芬兰的,芬兰语

Turkish 土耳其的,土耳其语

Danish 丹麦的,丹麦语



nourish 滋养,养育

establish 设立,建造

flourish 繁荣,兴旺

improverish 使穷困

diminish 使缩小,变小

vanish 消逝

publish 公布

finish 结束

后缀:-ship [名词后缀]


friendship 友谊,友好

hardship 困难,受苦

scholarship 学问,学识

dictatorship 专政

partnership 合伙关系

comradeship 同志关系

fellowship 伙伴关系,交情

relationship 亲属关系,联系


citizenship 公民权或身份

kingship 王位,王权

membership 成员资格

instructorship 讲师资格

managership 经理职位

rulership 统治权

lordship 贵族身份

colonelship 上校衔

doctorship 博士学位

professorship 教授职位

sonship 儿子身份

studentship 学生身份

ladyship 贵妇人身份

interpretership 译中职务

heirship 继承权


airmanship 飞行技术

salesmanship 售货术

penmanship 书法

marksmanship 射击术

huntsmanship 打猎术

workmansip 手艺,工艺

horsemanship 骑马术

watermanship 划船技术

词根词缀:helo- (marsh)

【来源及含义】Greek: marsh, marshland

【同源单词】helobious, helodad, helodric, helogadophilous, helohylophilous, helolochmophilous


【来源及含义】Old English: a suffix meaning, characteristic of, like, tending to; of or relating to, from; somewhat, approximately; or a verb ending

【相关描述】A suffix used to form adjectives from nouns and from adjectives. It refers to "relation, resemblance, similarity", and sometimes has a diminutive force; such as, "selfish, boyish, brutish; whitish, somewhat white".

A verb ending, originally appearing in certain verbs of French origin; such as, "abolish, cherish, finish, furnish, garnish", and "impoverish".

【同源单词】abolish, accomplish, acutish, admonish, anguish, anguish

词根词缀:osmo-, osmia-, osmi-, -osmia, -osmatic (push)

【来源及含义】Greek: impulse, thrust, push, impel

【相关描述】Don't confuse this osmo- word-unit with another osmo- unit meaning "smell, odor".

【相关词根词缀】 Cross references of word families that are related directly, or indirectly, to: "push, shove, thrust": pel-; puls-; trud-.

【同源单词】biosmosis, chemosmosis, electroendosmosis, electro-osmosis, endosmosis, endosmotic

词根词缀:sori-; shrew

【来源及含义】Latin: shrew, shrews

【相关描述】In English, the word "shrew" is also used to describe a woman with a violent, scolding, or nagging temperament.

【相关词根词缀】 Other related "shrew" units:
Shrews: A Variety of Shrew Species. Knowledge: Animals, Elephant Shrews.

【同源单词】Glossophaga soricina, shrew, shrewd, shrewdly, shrewdness, shrewish