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词根词缀:plic-, pli- plect-, plec-, plici-, -plex, -plexity, -plexus, -ple, -pli, -plic, -plicat, -plicit, -plicate, -plication, -ply

【来源及含义】Latin: plicare, plecare, to fold, bend, curve, turn, twine, twist, interweave, weave

【相关词根词缀】 Inter-related cross references involving word units meaning "bend, curve, turn": diversi-; diverticul-; flect-, flex-; gyro-; meand-; streph-; stroph-; tors-; tropo-; verg-; vers-; volv-.

【同源单词】accomplice, app, appliableness, appliably, appliance, applicability

词根词缀:sex-, sexi-, sext-

【来源及含义】Latin: six, sixth; a word element for number 6

【相关描述】Don't confuse this sex- with another one that refers to "mating" or "gender".

【同源单词】senary, sexadecimal, sexagenarian, sexagenary, sexagesima, sexagesimal