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【来源及含义】Latin: a suffix; expressing capacity, fitness to do that which can be handled or managed, suitable skills to accomplish something; capable of being done, something which can be finished, etc.

【相关描述】A suffix that forms adjectives. The suffix -ible has related meanings; expressing ability, capacity, fitness; capable of, fit for, able to be done, can be done, inclined to, tending to, given to.

This list is only a small sample of the thousands of -able words that exist in English.

【同源单词】abdicable, -able, abolishable, abominable, abradable, acceptable

词根词缀:dic-, dict-

【来源及含义】Latin: talk, speak, say, tell, declare; to proclaim; to indicate

【相关词根词缀】Cross references of word families related directly, or indirectly, to: "talk, speak, speech; words, language; tongue, etc.": cit-; clam-; fa-; -farious; glosso-; glotto-; lalo-; linguo-; locu-; logo-; loqu-; mythico-; -ology; ora-; -phasia; -phemia; phon-; phras-; Quotes: Language,Part 1; Quotes: Language, Part 2; Quotes: Language, Part 3; serm-; tongue; voc-.

【同源单词】abdicable, abdicant, abdicant, abdicate, abdicate, abdication

词根词缀:pre-, prae-

【来源及含义】Latin: before [both in time and place]

【相关描述】The prefix prae- can actually be substituted for pre- because both of them are different spellings for the same prefix meaning "before".

【相关词根词缀】 Related before-word units: ante-; antero-; anti-; pro-. Related "time" units: aevum, evum; archaeo-, archeo-; Calendars; chrono-; horo-; Quotes: Time; tempo-.

【同源单词】preacquaint, preacquaintance, preagonal, pre-agricultural, preamble, preambular