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【来源及含义】Latin: a suffix; pertaining to

【同源单词】anterior, excelsior, inferior, posterior, superior

词根词缀:-or; -our

【来源及含义】Latin: a suffix; state of, result of; he who, that which

【同源单词】abdicator, abductor, ablator, acanthor, accelerator, adductor


【来源及含义】Latin: after, behind, later, subsequent

【同源单词】a posteriori, anemic necrosis, Anno post Romam conditam, anteroposterior, Culpam maiorum posteri luunt, dorsoposterior

词根词缀:postero-, poster-

【来源及含义】Latin: after, behind, following; denoting relationship to the posterior [back] part; usually used as a prefix

【同源单词】a posteriori, anteroposterior, Carpe diem, Culpam maiorum posteri luunt, dorsoposterior, inferoposterior