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词根:past = 喂养, 牧羊人

  词根 past来源于拉丁语 pascere/pastor。


1. pasture  [past 喂,食 + -ure 表示行为,事物;“喂牛、羊”,“牛、羊吃草”→]
  n./v. 牧地,草原,牧场 [转为动词](牛、羊)吃草,放(牛、羊)吃草

2. pasturage  [past 食 + ur- = -ure 后缀 + -age 名词后缀 →]
  n. [-age 表示行为]放牧;[-age 表示场所]牧场

3. pastureland  [见上,land 场地 →]

4. depasture  [de- 加强意义 + past食 + -ure 名词后缀 →]
  v. 放牧,放养,(牛、羊)吃草

5. pastor  [past 食 + -or 名词后缀 →喂牛、羊的人→]

6. pastoral  [见上,-al 形容词后缀 →]
  adj. 牧(羊)人的,牧人生活方式的,畜牧的;[转为]乡村的,田园诗的

7. pastoralist  [见上,-ist 名词后缀 →]
  n. 放牧者,畜牧者;田园诗的作者

8. pastoralism  [见上,-ism 表示行为、风格等→]

9. repast  [re- 加强意义 + past 食 →]
  n./v. 餐,饮食;就餐,设宴

10. paste  [past 食,吃;一种“食物”→]

词根:past 喂, 食

pasture [past喂,食,-ure表示行为,事物;’喂牛、羊”,’牛羊吃草”] 放牧,牧场;[转为动词] (牛、羊)吃草,放(牛、羊)吃草

pasturage [见上,-age表示行为] 放牧;[-age表示场所] 牧场

pastureland [见上,land场地] 牧场

depasture [de-加强意义,pasture放牧] 放牧,放养,(牛、羊)吃草

pastor [past喂,-or表示人;’喂牛、羊的人”] 牧人,牧羊人;(基督教的)牧师

pastoral [见上,-al…的] 牧(羊)人的,牧人生活方式的,畜牧的[转为] 乡村的,田园诗的

pastoralist [见上,-ist者] 放牧者,畜牧者,田园诗的作者

pastoralism [见上,-ism表示行为,风格等] 畜牧,田园作品的风格

repast [re-加强意义,past食] 餐,饮食,就餐,设宴

paste [past食,吃;一种’食物”] (做点心用的)加油脂的面团,面糊,糊状物,浆糊

词根词缀:botano-, botan-

【来源及含义】Greek > Latin: plants, plant life [originally, "herb, grass, pasture"] to botany

【同源单词】astrobotanist, astrobotany, botanic, botanical, botanical plants, botanically

词根词缀:nemo-, nem-

【来源及含义】Greek: wooded pasture, glade; grove; woods, forest

【同源单词】nemocole, nemocolous, nemophilic, nemophilist, nemophilous, nemophily

词根词缀:nom-, nomen-, nomin-, -nomia, -nomic

【来源及含义】Latin: name

【相关描述】Don't confuse this element with the Greek nomo- which means "law"; or with nomo- meaning "meadow, pasture" and by extension, "acute ulcerative process" and "gangrene".

【相关词根词缀】Related "name" units: onomato-; -onym.

【同源单词】agnomen, allonomous, anomia, anomie, antinomic, antinomy

词根词缀:nom-, nomo-

【来源及含义】Greek: a meadow; a pasture; an abode; a place for eating; by extension, "distribution of an acute, necrotizing ulcerative process involving mucous membranes of the mouth or genitalia"

【相关描述】Don’t confuse this element with the Greek nomo- which means "law" or another Latin nom- meaning "name".

This element is closely related to nomad- which means “wander, moving around for pasture or grazing for herds or flocks”.

【同源单词】noma, nomocole, nomophile, nomophilous, pronomos


【来源及含义】Greek, nomas, nomados, "pasturing, roaming about for pasture" > Latin , nomas, nomdis: wander, moving around for pasture or grazing for herds or flocks

【相关描述】Closely related to nomo-, "a pasture" or "a place for grazing".

【同源单词】nomad, nomadic, nomadical, nomadically, nomadism, nomadize

词根词缀:nomo-, nom-, -nomy, -onomy, -nome, -nomic, -nomous, -nomical, -nomically

【来源及含义】Greek: law, order, arrangement, systematized knowledge of [something]; usage

【相关描述】Don’t confuse this element with the Latin nomo- which means "name" or another Greek nomo- which means "meadow" or "pasture".

【同源单词】agronomy, anomic, anomie, anomocarpous, anomophyllous, antinomian