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词根词缀:brepho-, breph-

【来源及含义】Greek: fetus; infant; a combining form denoting relationship to the embryo, fetus, or newborn infant

【相关描述】Used in the sense of "pertaining to" or "of an embryo, infant", or "early stage of development".

【同源单词】brephic, brephoplastic, brephoplastic graft, brephoplasty, brephos, brephotrophic

词根词缀:doul-, dulo-, dul-

【来源及含义】Greek: slave, servile, slavish; servitude; serving

【相关描述】A doula supports a woman and her family in achieving the kind of birth that they desire. A doula works in homes, hospitals, and birth centers; and gives, emotional, physical, and informational support. A careprovider, be he/she a midwife, OB/gyn, or family practitioner, will take care of a woman's prenatal care and birth. A doula is supposed to ensure that someone is always available to look after the mother-to-be emotionally. These objectives are facilitated by communication between the laboring woman, her partner, and her clinical care providers.

As a supportive companion (other than a friend or loved one) a doula is professionally trained to provide birth-labor support. She performs no clinical tasks. A doula also refers to lay women who are trained or experienced in providing postpartum care—mother and newborn care, breastfeeding support and advice, cooking, child care, errands, and light cleaning—for the family. To distinguish between the two types of doulas, one may refer to "birth doulas" and "postpartum doulas".

【同源单词】doule, doulios, doulos, dulia, dulocracy, hierodule

词根词缀:spleno-, splen-, splenico-, spleni-, -splenism, -splenia, -splenic

【来源及含义】Greek: spleen, "the inward parts;" the elongated accessory lymphatic organ of the vascular [blood] system

【相关描述】The spleen is a large glandlike, but ductless, organ situated in the upper part of the abdominal cavity on the left side and lateral to the cardiac end of the stomach.

It is also called the lien. The largest structure in the lymphoid system, it is a flattened oblong shaped structure of about 125 mm. in length.

It disintegrates the red blood cells and sets the hemoglobin free, which the liver converts into bilirubin; it gives rise to new red blood cells during fetal life and in the newborn; serves as a reservoir of blood; produces lymphocytes and plasma cells; and has other important functions, the full scope of which hasn't been entirely determined.

【同源单词】asplenia, asplenic, autosplenectomy, Habet et musca splenem, hepatosplenitis, hepatosplenomegaly