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【词根来源】:分别来源于拉丁语动词moneo, monere, monui, monitus(劝勉,提醒)和形容词monos, -e, -on(单一的)。

【同源单词】:acrimonious, acrimony, admonish, common, demonstration




【同源单词】:intonation, monotone, monotonous, monotony, tone

词根词缀:mono-, mon-

【来源及含义】Greek: one, alone, single; a number used as a prefix

【同源单词】antimonopoly, bigamy, electric monopole, fibrous dysplasia, infectious mononucleosis, monacanthid

词根词缀:tono-, ton-, -tonia, -tonic, -tonous, -tony (sound)

【来源及含义】Greek > Latin: sound, tone; [Greek tonos, "that which is stretched, a stretching, a straining, a pitch of the voice, a musical note"]

【同源单词】aerotonometer, aerotonometry, atonal, atonic, barytone, detonate