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词根:mis, miso = hate, 表示“恨”

misanthropist n. 厌世者(mis+anthrop人类+ist→恨人的人→厌世者)

misogamist n. 厌恶结婚者(miso+gam结婚+ist)

misogyny n. 厌恶女人(miso+gyny女人)

misoneism n. 厌新,守旧(miso+ne[=neo新]+ism→恨新→厌新守旧)

词根词缀:miso-, mis-, -misia

【来源及含义】Greek: hate, hater, hatred; disgust for; revulsion of; contempt for; abhorrence of

【相关描述】Don't confuse this miso-, mis- unit with the following units: mis-, "bad, wrong"; miss-, -miss, -mis- "send, throw".

【相关词根词缀】 Related "hate, hatred" word sources: odi-; stygio-.

【同源单词】computermisia, iatromisia, iatromisiac, logomisia, misandria, misandrist