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词根:-memor-, -ment-


【词根来源】: -memor-来源于拉丁语中形容词memor(注意的,不忘的)及其派生的名词memoria(记忆,记得)和动词memorare(记忆,记得); -ment-来源于拉丁语名词mens, mentis, f(记忆力)和mentio(回想)。这些拉丁语的词源可追溯至原始印欧语-men-(思考)。

【同源单词】:commemorate, immemorial, memento, memo, memoir


【来源及含义】Latin: suffix used to form abstract nouns expressing act, state, quality, property, or condition corresponding to an adjective

【同源单词】abnormality, absorbability, acclivity, acerbity, acridity, acrity

词根词缀:menti-, ment-

【来源及含义】Latin: mens, mentalis; mind, intellectual faculties; mental; memory

【相关词根词缀】Inter-related cross references, directly or indirectly, involving the "mind, mental" word units: anima-; anxi-; deliri-; hallucina-; moro-; noo-; nous; phreno-; psych-; thymo-2.

【同源单词】Alzheimer disease, amentia, amential, compos mentis, demency, dement