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词根:ultim = end, last(最后的)

  词根ultim来源于拉丁语的ultim 意为end,last。同义词根有来自拉丁语的fin,termin和来自希腊的bys。
  英文字根字典的解释为:*拉丁文ultimus (=last)


1. ultimate [最后的、最终的ultim(=last)]
  ultimately 最后,最终
  ultimatum n.最后通牒
  The website is the ultimate guide to science fiction web pages,with 6,000 links!那个网站有6000个链接,是科幻小说网页的终极指南!

2. ultimogeniture n.[律]幼子继承制(primogeniture长子继承制)*gen(=birth)

3. ultimo adj.上个月的(缩写:ult.)

4. penultimate n./adj.倒数第二(的);[语](词的)倒数第二个音节(的) *pen(=almost)

5. antepenultimate n./adj. 倒数第三章节(的)(antepenult)(倒数第二个的前一个)《ante- = before》



encage 关入笼中

entrain 上火车

encase 装入箱中

enplane 上飞机

encave 藏于洞中

enthrone 使登上王位

enroll 记入名册中

enshrine 藏于神龛中


entrap 用陷阱诱捕

enwreathe 饰以花环

enchain 用链锁住

enlace 用带缚,捆扎

encloud 阴云遮蔽


enlarge 使扩大,广大

endanger 使遭危险

ensphere 使成球形

encrimson 使成深红色

enrage 激怒

encircle 作成一圈,包围

endear 使受喜爱

ennoble 使成贵族,使高贵

encipher 译成密码

enfeeble 使衰弱

encamp 使扎营

ensky 使耸入天际,把…捧上天

encash 使兑成现金

enslave 使成奴隶,奴役

enable 使能够

encourage 使有勇气


enclose 围入,关进

entrust 信托,委托

enfold 包入

enkindle 点火

enwrap 包入,卷入

enlighten 启发,开导

enwind 缠绕

enlink 把…连结起来

entangle 缠住,套住

engird 卷,缠

endamage 损坏,损害

engorge 大吃,吞吃

enclothe 给…穿衣服


【来源及含义】Greek > Latin: fox; baldness; derived from "mange in foxes"; bald patches on the head

【相关词根词缀】 Links to other hair-related units: barba-; Beards; capillaro-; chaeto-; cirro-; coife; crino-; Hair & Beard Styles; hirsute; pilo-; pogo-; tricho-; villi-.

【同源单词】alopecia, alopecia areata, alopecia capitis totalis, alopecia congenitalis, alopecia follicularis, alopecia liminaris

词根词缀:andro-, andr-, -ander, -andra, -andria, -andrian, -andric, -andrism, -androus, -andries, -andry

【来源及含义】Greek: man, men, male, masculine; also, stamen or anther as used in botany

【相关词根词缀】Links to other units that include the topic of "man", "mankind":
anthropo-; homo-; vir-.

【同源单词】adynamandrous, anandrious, anandrous, andragogy, andranatomy, andriatry

词根词缀:anthrop-, anthropo-, -anthrope, -anthropic, -anthropical, -anthropically, -anthropism, -anthropist, -anthropoid, -anthropus, -anthropy

【来源及含义】Greek: man; human beings, mankind; including, males (man, men; boy, boys) and females (woman, women; girl, girls); all members of the human race; people, humanity

【相关词根词缀】Links to other units that include the topic of "man", "mankind":
andro-; homo-; vir-. Related "people, human" word units: demo-; ethno-; ochlo-; popu-; publi-.

【同源单词】academic anthropologist, academic anthropology, Africanthropus, American Institute of Philanthropy, anthrobot, anthropagogy

词根词缀:barba-, barb-, barbat-

【来源及含义】Latin: beard, beardlike

【相关描述】Don't confuse this element with barbar-, meaning "foreign".

【相关词根词缀】 Links to other hair-related units: alopec-; Beards; capillaro-; chaeto-; cirro-; coife; crino-; Hair & Beard Styles; hirsute; pilo-; pogo-; tricho-; villi-.

【同源单词】barb, Barbarossa, barbate, barbated, barbel, barbellate

词根词缀:capillaro-, capillar-, capillario-, capilli-, capill-

【来源及含义】Latin: of, pertaining to, or resembling hair; minute [hairlike] blood vessels that connect the arterioles and the venules

【相关词根词缀】 Links to other hair-related units: alopec-; barba-; Beards; chaeto-; cirro-; coife; crino-; Hair & Beard Styles; hirsute; pilo-; pogo-; tricho-; villi-.

【同源单词】capillarectasia, capillariomotor, capillaritis, capillarity, capillaroscopy, capillary

词根词缀:chaeto-, chaet-, chaeti-, cheto-, chet-

【来源及含义】Greek: spine, bristle; long, flowing hair]

【相关词根词缀】 Links to other hair-related units: alopec-; barba-; Beards; capillaro-; cirro-; coife; crino-; Hair & Beard Styles; hirsute; pilo-; pogo-; tricho-; villi-.

【同源单词】achaetous, chaeta, chaetic, chaetiferous, Chaetodon, chaetodont

词根词缀:cirro-, cirr-, cirri-

【来源及含义】Latin: curl, ringlet; tuft of hair, fringe; by extension, filament, tendril

【相关词根词缀】 Links to other hair-related units: alopec-; barba-; Beards; capillaro-; chaeto-; coife; crino-; Hair & Beard Styles; hirsute; pilo-; pogo-; tricho-; villi-.

【同源单词】cirrose, cirrous, cirrus, cirrus spissatus

词根词缀:conniv-, coniv-

【来源及含义】Latin: to close the eyes, to blink, to wink at [a crime], to overlook [errors], connive at; to be privy to [secretly knowing about]; to be tightly closed

【同源单词】connivance, connive, connivent, conniver, connivery, unconniving