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词根词缀:-acrasy, -acrasia, -acratia

【来源及含义】Greek: suffix; weakness, weak; powerless; incontinence, lack of control; impotent

【相关描述】The applications of incontinent and incontinence for this unit refer to: lacking self control, uncontrolled; the inability to restrain the passions or appetites, particularly the sexual appetite; indulging in unlawful lust; unchaste; lewd; and in medicine, unable to restrain natural bodily evacuations.

【同源单词】acrasy, copracrasia, phallacrasia, potacrasia, scoracratia, sitacrasia

词根词缀:cyprido-, cyprid-, cypri-, cyprid-,

【来源及含义】Greek: Kypris, a name for Venus or Aphrodite; a lewd or licentious woman

【同源单词】Cyprian, cypridology, cypridopathy, cypridophobia, cyprinophobia, cypripareunia