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词根:hal = 呼吸

  词根hal来源于拉丁语 halare。


1. inhale  [in-入 + hal 呼吸 →]
  vt.& vi. 吸入;〈非〉狼吞虎咽; 吸气

2. inhaler  [见上,-er 表示人或物→]

3. inhalant  [见上,-ant 表示物→]

4. inhalantion  [见上,-ation 名词后缀→]

5. inhalator  [见上,-ator 表示物→]

6. exhale [ex-出,hal 呼吸→]
  v.呼出,呼气; 发散出; 放出,放射; 使蒸发; [医]渗出

7. exhalation  [见上,-ation名词后缀→]

8. exhalent  [见上,-ent …的→]

9. halitosis  [hal呼吸 + it 走 + -osis表示疾病; →“口中呼出臭气”→]

词根:hal, halit = breathe, 表示“呼吸‘

inhale v. 吸气(in进入+hal+e)

inhalation n. 吸入,吸气(inhale+ation)

exhalo v. 呼气(ex出 +hal+e)

halitosis n. 口臭(halit[=hal]+osis表示病→呼吸病→口臭)

词根:hal 呼吸

inhale [in-入,hal呼吸;’to breathe in”] 吸入,吸气

inhaler [见上,-er表示人或物] 吸入者,吸入器

inhalant [见上,-ant表示物] 被吸入的东西(指药剂等)

inhalantion [见上,-ation名词后缀] 吸入,吸入药剂

inhalator [见上,-ator表示物] (医用)吸入器,人工呼吸器

exhale [ex-出,hal呼吸;’to breathe out”] 呼出,呼气

exhalation [见上,-ation名词后缀] 呼气

exhalent [见上,-ent …的] 呼出的

halitosis [hal呼吸,-it-,-osis表示疾病;’口中呼出臭气”] 口臭

词根词缀:hal-, hali-, -haled, -haling, -halant, -halent, -halation

【来源及含义】Latin: breathe, breath; from halitus, "breath" and related to halare, "to breathe"

【相关描述】Don’t confuse this hal-, hali- unit meaning "breath, breathe" with another halio-, hali- unit which means "salt".

【相关词根词缀】 Word units related to breath and breathe: pneo-; pneumato-; pneumo-; psych-; spiro.

【同源单词】exhalable, exhalant, exhalation, exhalatory, exhale, exhalence

词根词缀:halio-, hali-, halo-, hal-

【来源及含义】Greek > Latin: salt or "the sea"

【相关描述】Don't confuse this halio-, halo-, hal- unit with another hal- unit which means "breathe, breath".

【相关词根词缀】Related "salt" unit: sal-. Inter-related cross references, directly or indirectly, involving the "sea" and the "ocean" bodies of water: abysso- (bottomless); Atlantic; batho-, bathy- (depth); bentho- (deep, depth); mare, mari- (sea); necto-, nekto- (swimming); oceano-; pelago- (sea, ocean); plankto- (drifting); thalasso- (sea, ocean).

【同源单词】euhaline, euryhaline, halibios, halic, halicole, halicolous