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词根词缀:gov-, gover-

【来源及含义】Greek > Latin: to steer or to pilot a ship; to rule; a steersman

【相关描述】From Greek, kubernan, "to steer" and is related to words beginning with cyber-. From the Greek, Latin picked it up as gubernare, and guvernator, "to steer" or "to pilot a ship" from which we also get "gubernatorial".

【相关词根词缀】Cross references of word families related directly, or indirectly, to: "master, lead, leading, ruler, ruling, govern": -agogic; agon-; arch-; -crat; dom-; magist-; poten-; regi-; tyran-.

【同源单词】antigovernment, extragovernmental, govern, governable, governance, governess

词根词缀:-ism, -ismus

【来源及含义】Greek, ismos; Latin, ismus: a suffix: belief in, practice of, condition of, process, characteristic behavior or manner, abnormal state, distinctive feature or trait

【同源单词】abaptism, abolitionism, abortionism, abrakophilism, absenteeism, absolutism