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词根:-vig-, -veget-



【同源单词】:vigor, vigorous, vegetable, vegetarian, vegetation

词根:veget = 植物


1. vegetable  [veget 植物,-able ...的]
  adj./n. 植物的;植物性的;[转为名词]植物;蔬菜

2. vegetal  [veget 植物,-al ...的]

3. vegetarian  [veget 植物,-arian 表示人;“只吃植物的人”→]
  n./adj. 吃素的人,素食主义者;[-arian ...的]素食的,素食主义的

4. vegetarianism  [见上,-ism 主义]
  n. 素食主义

5. vegetate  [veget 植物,-ate 动词后缀]

词根词缀:algesi-, alge-, alges-, algesio-, algi-, algio-, -algesia, -algesic, -algetic, -algic, -algia, -algy

【来源及含义】Greek: pain, sense of pain; painful; hurting

【相关描述】Used actively in medical terminology to denote a condition of sensitivity to pain as specified by the combining root.

【相关词根词缀】 Cross references related to "pain, hurt; suffering, injury" word families: -agra; algo-; angina-; dolor-; Masochism; noci-; odyno-; poen-; pono- (toil, work; pain); Sadism.

【同源单词】abdominalgia, acromelalgia, acrostealgia, acupuncture analgesia, adenalgia, adiposalgia

词根词缀:veget-, vege-

【来源及含义】Latin: animating, enlivening; vigorous, vigor, active; to be alive, activity, to quicken; then a quickening action of growing; a specific sense of "plant cultivated for food, edible herb, or root" is first recorded in 1767; the differences between the meanings from its original links with "life, liveliness" was completed in the early twentieth century, when vegetable came to be used for an "inactive person".

【同源单词】emergent vegetation, lactovegetarian, ovolactovegetarian, ovovegetarian, vegan, veganism