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词根词缀:calyc-, calyci-, calyx-

【来源及含义】Greek: shell; husk; cup [of a flower], used primarily in the specialized senses of "pertaining to or of a cup-shaped bodily organ or cavity"; also a reference to the "cup-shaped ring of sepals encasing a flower bud"

【同源单词】calicectomy, calycanthemous, calyces, calyciflorous, calyciform, calycine

词根词缀:elytro-, elytr-, elytri-

【来源及含义】Greek ελυτρον > Modern Latin: covering, wrapping; sheath, casing; by extension, vagina

【同源单词】brachelytra, elytra, elytriferous, elytriform, elytroid, elytron