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词根词缀:adipo-, adip-, adipos-

【来源及含义】Latin: fat, fatty; lard; of or pertaining to fat; fleshy

【相关词根词缀】Other related units of fat words: lard; lipo-; obeso-; oleo-; omento-; pimelo-; pio-; sebo-; steato-.

【同源单词】adipal, adipate, adipectomy, adipescent, adipic, adipis

词根词缀:fibro-, fibr-, fiber-

【来源及含义】Latin: fiber [an elongated, threadlike structure]; a combining form denoting a relationship to fibers

【同源单词】adenofibroma, adenofibrosis, adipofibroma, angiofibroblastoma, angiofibrolipoma, angiofibroma