ArizonayoudaoicibaDictYouDict[Arizona 词源字典]
1861, originally as the name of a breakaway Confederate region of southern New Mexico; organized roughly along modern lines as a U.S. territory in 1863. From Spanish Arizonac, probably from a local name among the O'odham (Piman) people meaning "having a little spring." Alternative theory is that it derives from Basque arizonak "good oaks."[Arizona etymology, Arizona origin, 英语词源]
zonal (adj.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
1839, from Late Latin zonalis, from Latin zona (see zone (n.)).
zona pellucidayoudaoicibaDictYouDict
"The thick transparent membrane surrounding a mammalian ovum before implantation", Mid 19th century: from Latin, literally 'pellucid girdle'.