pertussis (n.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict[pertussis 词源字典]
"whooping cough," 1670s (Sydenham), from Modern Latin pertussis, from per- "thoroughly" + tussis "cough," of unknown origin.[pertussis etymology, pertussis origin, 英语词源]
whoop (v.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
mid-14c., houpen, partly imitative, partly from Old French huper, houper "to cry out, shout," also imitative. It is attested as an interjection from at least mid-15c. Spelling with wh- is from mid-15c. The noun is recorded from c. 1600. Phrase whoop it up "create a disturbance" is recorded from 1881. Expression whoop-de-do is recorded from 1929. Whooping cough (1739) is now the prevalent spelling of hooping cough; whooping crane is recorded from 1791.