drug store (n.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict[drug store 词源字典]
also drug-store, 1810, American English, from drug (n.) + store (n.). Drug-store cowboy is 1925, American English slang, originally one who dressed like a Westerner but obviously wasn't.[drug store etymology, drug store origin, 英语词源]
Midwest (n.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
1926, in U.S. geographical sense, from earlier Midwestern (1889) in reference to a group of states originally listed as W.Virginia, Kentucky, Tennessee, Missouri, Kansas, and Arkansas; now generally meaning states somewhat further northwest. Related: Midwesterner.
western (adj.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
"toward or of the west," late Old English westerne "western, westerly, coming from the west," from west + -erne, suffix denoting direction. The noun meaning "book or movie about the Old West" is first attested 1909. Westerner is from 1837 as "person from the U.S. West," 1880 as "Euro-American," as opposed to Oriental.
"A foreigner, especially a westerner", Cantonese, literally 'ghost man'.