grunge (n.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict[grunge 词源字典]
"sloppiness, dirtiness," also "untidy person," 1965, American English teen slang, probably a back-formation from grungy. In reference to the music and fashion style that originated in Seattle is attested from 1989.[grunge etymology, grunge origin, 英语词源]
sloppy (adj.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
1727, "muddy," from slop (n.1) + -y (2). Meaning "loose, ill-fitting, slovenly" is first recorded 1825, influenced by slop (n.2). Related: Sloppily; sloppiness. Sloppy Joe was originally "loose-fitting sweater worn by girls" (1942); as a name for a kind of spiced hamburger, it is attested from 1961.